Paper Chain Photo Booth Backdrop

Three pumpkins sitting in front of a background of paper chains in various color papers hanging from above

Created by: Amy Christie, this heart of mine

What’s the best part of the holidays besides the food? Taking photos! Photos with family, photos with friends, photos with everyone! Give your pictures a special pop with a paper chain backdrop. Paper chains are a cinch to make, use simple materials and can made in any color you want.

Things You'll Need:

  • Approx. 100 pieces of 8.5”x11” cardstock paper in your desired colors
  • Scissors (or paper cutter)
  • Stapler
  • Push pins (or tape)
  • Camera (and tripod, if you have it!)


  1. Decide where your photo wall will be. Look for a place with good natural light like near a window or door. Then decide how large of a backdrop you want to make. I used 100 sheets of paper cut into four strips each and the paper chain covered a 5’x5’ space.
  2. Cut all the paper into 2”x11” strips.
  3. To begin, take one strip, overlap the ends and staple to hold it in place.
  4. Take another strip, thread it through the middle of the first loop, overlap the ends and staple to hold it in place.
  5. Continue making connected loops until you have enough to cover the space you wish.
  6. To make a backdrop, take lengths of the paper chain and use a push pin to hold them in place on the wall. You can try using a heavy-duty tape, however, because of the heft of the chain, multiple pieces of tape might be necessary.
  7. Once the chains are hung, it’s picture time. Pose groups in front of the paper chain covered wall and snap away. If you do have a tripod, use it!